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Mary_bcgame last won the day on January 25

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  1. Hello @Jackie2233 Anything related to Deposit and Withdraw Kindly contact our support please or can send email to [email protected] Hopefully, your issue will be resolved soon. Thank you for your patience!
  2. Hello @daot and @Jackie2233 Anything related to Deposit and Withdraw Kindly contact our support please or can send email to [email protected] Hopefully, your issue will be resolved soon. Thank you for your patience!
  3. Congratulations @mafia i think $40 fee is a customs charge imposed by your country’s regulations. Each country has its own policy regarding customs fees, so unfortunately, these charges are beyond our control.
  4. hello @Itzneenee May i know your uid please
  5. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns. Based on our review, it appears that your account requires KYC (Know Your Customer) verification before any withdrawals can be processed. This is a standard procedure to ensure the security and integrity of our platform. For more information and assistance on completing KYC, please contact our support team or send an email to [email protected]. They will guide you through each step of the process in detail. We understand this situation can be frustrating, especially given the investigation mention, but rest assured that once your KYC verification is complete and all conditions are satisfied, you will be able to proceed with your withdrawal. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please let us know. We’re here to help.
  6. Hello @daot May i know your uid please
  7. Hello @SYY i see that your level is Platinum 55 with a betting rolling amount of US$2,061,983.75, so it's clear you’re very active. I understand that you requested a loss bonus from your personal host, BCGame_Aly, but the host’s superiors refused, even though you had a $36,000 loss that day. I’m aware you’ve asked to change hosts three times and you definitely want to make a claim. After checking, it appears you have already received a few lossbacks from the VIP host. For your next lossback, it’s up to the VIP host’s discretion. I have forwarded your complaint to the VIP Host team, and hopefully you’ll receive a response soon—at least by tomorrow—since today, the 19th, is a Sunday. Good luck!
  8. Hi @Asehkormjwb Yes, today is the 19th, but unfortunately it’s Sunday. I hope the team will get in touch with you tomorrow (Monday). With your high deposits and the amount you’ve wagered in the last 30 days (especially since you mentioned a big loss recently), i hope you eligible to get VIP HOST Service back. Let’s wait and see; hopefully you’ll receive confirmation soon. Good luck!
  9. Hello @carmina198402 welcome to BC.GAME have fun!!
  10. Hello @Asehkormjwb We understand your concern regarding not having a VIP host assigned yet and your inability to claim lossback. Please note that a 30-day reevaluation period is required from the day your previous VIP host service was removed or unbound. The VIP host team will inform you on the 19th about whether you are eligible to receive a VIP host again or not. This date marks exactly 30 days since your previous VIP host service ended. Meanwhile, we recommend continuing to place wagers to improve your performance. Thank you for your patience, we wish you the best of luck, and we appreciate your understanding. If you have any additional questions, please let me know. Best regards
  11. Hi @Evmpgerdytac To request a permanent self-exclusion, there are two options: 1. Log in to the account and click the link below: https://bc.game/help/self-exclusion 2. Contact our Live Support; they are willing to help.
  12. ¡Hola @marleneybana ¿Sabías que la autenticación en dos pasos (2FA) proporciona una capa adicional de seguridad para tu cuenta de BC.Game, además de tu correo electrónico, especialmente al iniciar sesión y al realizar retiros? ¡Asegúrate de ser la única persona con acceso a tu aplicación 2FA! Pero, ¿qué ocurre si pierdes tu 2FA o ya no puedes acceder a ella? La única forma de restablecer tu 2FA es contactar a nuestro equipo de soporte a través de uno de los siguientes canales: Chat en vivo en el sitio web (haz clic en el botón de Soporte) Centro de ayuda: help.bc.game Correo electrónico: [email protected] ¡Mantente seguro y protege siempre tu cuenta!
  13. General Rules 1.No minimum bet required 2.Winners announced within 3 working days after each weekly period 3.Players who win prizes remain eligible for future weekly draws 4.Prizes awarded in EUR Reffering rules no 2, within 3 working days, hopefully tomorrow or max in monday will announced
  14. Hello @Kzvpqemlbtcc Thank you for your interest in BC.GAME’s bug bounty program. If you have discovered a potential bug or issue, please feel free to send me a private message, open a ticket on our Discord, or reach out to our Live Chat support. We will be happy to investigate. If it turns out to be a confirmed bug, we offer a reward as a token of our appreciation. Thank you again for helping us maintain a smooth and secure gaming experience!
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