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Posts posted by DFdubG

  1. very interesting topic and being a music artist we are known to voice our thoughts, views, struggles, experience ect. @Coco_Fatherknows me and we have had multiple conversations on wide rang of things.  @BCGame_POPknows me because she my VIP host  we had words because I was taking my losses out on them knowing damn well Ignored the algorithm showing me that its no bueno. move on but as a human our thought process is mixture of things you experience, learned ect so every individual is in no way identical to the next person. So depending on mind set of person our thought's tell us its coming so they continue playing hoping or for others its run so they run and move to another. It is a mind thought process that either makes it or breaks it. Games yes can be set for variables that tip favor to house but no need to and risk possible legal action's or problems with federal law agency's for this particular scope of regulations that are enforced. I come from a family of carnies and grew up on the carnival when I was young while my parents and uncles aunts were running games for my grandparents and being around the gamble aspect was always around me so my gambling family whhen I turned 21 my birthday gift was a trip to Las Vegas that my grandparents got me so off to vegas i went 17 years ago with everyone and so much fun and I only knew blackjack at this time so I went on Adventure and then learned craps with my uncle n grandpa lol walla loved it n learned it and still 1 of my fav games to play live. I then had to leave after a week and head back home to Texas. So few years go by and im lil older now and I learned Tx Holdem and plat a tournament and won so I did more and kept winning 3 of 5 tournaments so I started traveling to these casino's like Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls Canada, Charlestown WV casino, Alantic City and was working there for months being paid per diem and free hotel by my company, Delaware, Illinois south of Chicago, Oklahoma, Las Vegas and played tournaments and official WSOP with. finish 471 of 5000. The physical gambling and the virtual gambling are 2 different styles and should not be treated as similar. Physical scenarios, odds, Combinations ect. are prone tobe less frequent because the time consuming it takes for the game play physically compared to online were you might see the odd, combination. ect more bc the game play is faster pace. (50 games at casino 30min-1hour / 50 games online 5mins) the ratio  500+ games to the 50 physical games played. So odds not normally seen are seen more which trigger a warning. We tend to push push ignoring the risk for gain or thrill of winning and never withdraw and forget that at anytime the good wins can stop out of thin air or come few at a time or trend of 4 consecutive wins/losses. Im a Computer Network Engineer with Associates in Computer Science and worked for Salesforce.com which is a software company and we all know the multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include a search engine, online advertising technologies, cloud computing, software, hardware so understanding the the online virtual side of the system, software, hardware ect plays a thought in my thinking process and how any little issue can cause problem for a network or connectivity of end users on that network Topology. 1 optic cable unplugged from a Fabric switch, Leaf switch, Core Network ect can cause loss off data or money that is being sent or received on tnat cluster of devices that are configured to route traffic of data in a set geographical area ect. Travel from A to B in a network can pass through multiple 1000s even millions connections, devices, buildings ect before it reaches it spot but at light speed.  So knowing that at anytime or any given sec that there are possibilities of unseen issues . I can say its Bc.game fault and blame them or take countability and learn to avoid it and when it said n done if you wd which is hard bc that is my biggest flaw of gambling bc I do good and do good but I ignore the red flags and dont WD n push push then left 0 and its the worst feeling i know all to well and whatever can be affecting or going on in the mind set of individual causes backlash to who they see as the reason why they lose when it can be many many many reason why..  ok im bored if I wrote this much in detail because Bc.game took all my coins and been at 0 since 2019. Now if I Would have WD then this wouldn't even be talked about and I would have money instead nothing. . 

  2. 54 minutes ago, Gdoctors said:

    Well, I don't see the tables that are in the pdf in your source at all. how are you determining the symbols without it? If this is not your code then it's most likely for a different game. If it is your code, then you should know what you did right?

    You are right though if the admins would respond with the game source, then I could get it done.


    To @Danny777 or @Coco_Father Please share the Egyptian game source with me. Once you do, I could knock out a verifier in a day, maybe two. Should be simple enough to share the game source with me since the site is open source, right? If it is something you wish to keep private, you are welcome to PM me details, I could get what I need and keep it private.

    I dont have the pdf in the code bc I never had it tell you sent that link. the code works of Client seed, Server Seed, Nonce. Example if I had the right elements incorporated into the reel spots amd take out the stand in (Sulphur ect) and put the client seed, Server Seed and nince it will work. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Gdoctors said:

    Yea I saw that source. What I don't understand is this. Based on this screenshot. which one of these do those terms in your source match? None of them look like cloth, charcoal or sulfur to me.


    I understand what your saying and I agree im confused on it aswell. The sulphur charcoal cloth is just there as a stand in since it kinda confusing and still trying to figure out how to place the proper icons and info.  The x6 =15 is the pay out scale for landing 6 eye books (lol) is payout of 15x ?? @Danny777 @Coco_Father

  4. 37 minutes ago, Gdoctors said:

    The page you submitted does not seem like it's the same game. It calculates a single item for the 3 reels it currently does but there is never a time when the gave only has a single item in the reel. I don't know what that "chance" package from Cloudflare is, but I don't think its BC Game's algorithm for determining random. It was the way the random numbers are calculated in your script. It doesn't seem correct, but to be honest I can't verify my statements because I have nothing to compare it to. That's why I was asking Admin for information or game source. So far, I have nothing so I really can't tell for sure what needs to be done and what is missing.

    Forgot to mention, there should be 9 possible elements plus a wild element for a total of 10 elements, versus the 5 you mentioned.

    const SLOT_TABLE = {
      1: {
        Cloth: 5,
        Charcoal: 5,
        Sulfur: 5,
        Gunpowder: 4,
        "High Quality Metal": 3,
        Saloon: 1
      2: {
        Cloth: 6,
        Charcoal: 6,
        Sulfur: 6,
        Gunpowder: 3,
        "High Quality Metal": 1,
        Saloon: 1
      3: {
        Cloth: 6,
        Charcoal: 6,
        Sulfur: 6,
        Gunpowder: 3,
        "High Quality Metal": 1,
        Saloon: 1

    const SLOTS = { 1: [], 2: [], 3: [] }


    The Saloon would be your special bonus element and What needs to happen I think is add 5 more elements on each reel and change the 10 element (saloon) which is correctly identified as special. As yoh said nit much we can verify with out proper source.

  5. 1 hour ago, Gdoctors said:

    Do you mean the slot you linked before, because that doesn't seem right? Your results show 3 words, but Egyptian is a 6-column slot. Regardless, as Danny777 said before you should submit it for verification even without the pictures. As long as it shows the correct results, you could win it.

    I can't seem to get anywhere really on that slot. I will try some more today but so far; I haven't even gotten to the point where I can start getting results from it. I'm still trying to figure out the flow of the program.

    @Gdoctors correct all that needs to be done is add 3 more reels and update (Sulphur, Cloth, Gunpowder, Charcoal, Saloon) with Pics Identity of Egyptian Afventure. If you want I can collab with ya and send you source code for it and see if ya can get the last part i been trying to fig out.


  6. @ILikeToParty yeah you dick and if ya didnt read any of my post comments were I said im new at this 🤔 Now Did anywhere I say I did it all 🤔 I don't even code I just know basics and taught myself. Honestly I don't even care If I win I had fun learning alot more about -  1. about provably fair 2. html, css, js coding, and how to understand it.  so how does it feel to cry like a tattle tale at the age of 23+ 🤣🤣 

  7. Copyright (c) 2022 by Darrell Morgan (https://codepen.io/Dhavik77/pen/eYeNVmx

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions.

      <div class="container pb-3 px-5">
        <h1 class="text-center p-3 alert-info">
          <a href="Bc.Game/crash" target="_blank" class="alert-link"> <u>Bc.Game</u></a> CRASH VERIFIER
        <div class="config">
          <div class="input-group mb-3">
            <div class="input-group-prepend">
              <span class="input-group-text"><b>Game's Hash</b></span>
            <input id="gameHash" type="text" spellcheck="false" class="form-control" placeholder="Game's hash you want to validate">
          <div class="input-group mb-3">
            <div class="input-group-prepend">
              <span class="input-group-text"><b>Game's Amount</b></span>
            <input id="gameAmount" value="10" type="number" spellcheck="false" class="form-control" placeholder="Amount of game to show from this hash">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-info btn-block btn-lg" onclick="verifyCrashPoint();">VERIFY CRASH POINT
        <hr class="my-4">
        <div class="result">
          <table id="hashTable" class="table table-striped">
                <th>Game's hash</th>
                <th>Crash Point</th>
            <tbody id="tbody"></tbody>




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