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New spin wheel BCD problem?


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So I am not sure if anyone else is having this issue or if I am not understanding correctly. Any help would be appreciated. 

I spun my new wheel spin. Won the 10.00 BCD. It never hit my balance, but it shows that I won 10. BCD in the transaction history. Anyone having the same issue?

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Yeah about that I think that BCD lucky spin rewards should not add to the total locked amount but go to help unlocking the total you have. For example I have gotten another 20 cent bcd added to my total when I would rather instead of giving me coin that I won't be able to use for a while just unlock 20 cents I have already accumulated 

Lol Also I just noticed your name OP is yours also an American Dad reference?

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On 3/25/2022 at 10:52 AM, GawdJammit said:

also with new update,  my locked isn't releasing. seems like % rake back is sighting short. 

You will need to accumulate of minimum 10 BCD to be able to claim from locked BCD pot. The rackeback % from locked bcd should be correct.


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