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Everything posted by Elpresidente

  1. https://bc.game/#/sd/10W872B8AWH05V https://bc.game/#/sd/10W87OYKYTS7IR
  2. https://bc.game/#/sd/10W3D6ZJ5LNNDF https://bc.game/#/sd/10W3DETQD1IADV https://bc.game/#/sd/10W3EA0AJ86CR7
  3. Happy Halloween A. 28.10.2022B. BCGAME Halloween 2022C. Elpresidente
  4. https://bc.game/#/sd/10W01BHKP4Y0IB https://bc.game/#/sd/10W035ZVMIV7KJ
  5. at least this contest is also paid quickly after the end. But maybe that's why the other contests are processed so slowly that over 5 are already not paid. But as long as you have time to start new ones, at least the money is rolling in one direction..... Good Luck all
  6. I think you mean those cash drops. In my opinion, they do not exist. It's not the first time there were cash drops from this provider and the last time I didn't find anyone who received one. Asked in several casinos where I played this contest is not only for BC. I don't play this contest exactly for this reason because it is not comprehensible and in my opinion there is none. But good luck in the contest
  7. https://bc.game/#/sd/10VGNVF4MLXE6R https://bc.game/#/sd/10VGWPOXN53BIR https://bc.game/#/sd/10VGXALWH0XKPF https://bc.game/#/sd/10VGXM632N2SCZ
  8. https://bc.game/sports?bt-path=%2F%3FbtBookingCode%3DD39456D 2192705394634273012
  9. https://bc.game/sports?bt-path=%2F%3FbtBookingCode%3D7D68BD5 2192360533871702138
  10. https://bc.game/sports?bt-path=%2F%3FbtBookingCode%3DEC5E556 2192008550967025777
  11. https://bc.game/sports?bt-path=%2F%3FbtBookingCode%3D087F3EA 2191532124773945535
  12. https://bc.game/sports?bt-path=%2F%3FbtBookingCode%3DEE729FC 2190125780892266568
  13. not only this mod does his own thing but many. Friends are preferred and others are blocked. But no matter the rules only the player has to keep and the staff make their own rules
  14. without words. You think things are finally getting better again at BC, then another update like this comes along and.... My advice is to make it jerky so the game will soon be no fun here. Error while playing, sports almost nothing works, Voult does not deposit and much more. BC is the best example of how to make one of the best casinos what they were once years ago step by step worse instead of better
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